Cannabis & Me
Find the cannabis product that’s right for you.
At Beyond Hello, we believe the when you are purchasing medical cannabis products as a medical patient, you need educational resources at your fingertips to make the best decision for you! Our priority is to provide you with high quality products AND high-quality information to enrich your cannabis experience and to find the medical cannabis product that’s right for you.
Connect with your Beyond Hello store any time for assistance in becoming a certified patient.
The Basics – Medical Cannabis 101
The #1 Rule – “START LOW & GO SLOW!”
Always keep in mind:
- Effects of different cannabis products are not always felt immediately
- You can always consume more; you can’t consume less
- Different strains and product types have different effects on the body
The Endocannabinoid System (ECS):
The Endocannabinoid System of your body is a network of receptors that help to regulate homeostasis or balance by interacting with and supporting a variety of major bodily functions.

The ECS Receptors
The two main receptors of the endocannabinoid system are known as CB1 CB2 receptors.
CB1 Receptors
CB1 receptors are found primarily throughout the brain and central nervous system. CB1 receptors are also found within the kidneys, liver, lungs, digestive tract and even our eyes.
CB2 Receptors
CB2 receptors are found primarily throughout the immune system. CB2 receptors are also found within our peripheral tissues that exist in our stomach, muscles, glands and even our ears.

Cannabinoids are chemical compounds secreted by the cannabis plant’s trichomes during its growth process. THC & CBD are the most well-known cannabinoids, but there are many others, such as: CBN, CBG, THCA, and THCV.
Cannabinoids work by bonding with the receptors of the ECS and either support what the receptors intended function is or supplement to help change or modulate a receptor’s function(s) if the ECS is out of balance.
THC, short for tetrahydrocannabinol, is the most well-known cannabinoid. THC is the primary psychoactive component of the marijuana plant and has many potential health benefits.
CBD, short for cannabidiol, is the second most well-known cannabinoid. CBD is known to have many potential health benefits and may mitigate the psychoactive effects of THC.

Cannabis Plant Anatomy
Cannabis is dioecious, meaning it comes from separate male and female plants. Growing from a seed, cannabis can take on the following forms: female, sinsemilla, male, and hermaphrodite.
Female & Sinsemilla
Female cannabis plants produce the large buds and flowers of marijuana. They contain pistils, the plants primary sex organ, and resin which collects pollen from male cannabis plants. When pollen fertilizes the female plant, seed is produced. If the female plant is kept away from pollen, more resin is produced; unfertilized females, known as sinsemilla, create a frosty layer of trichomes desired by the growers and consumers. Sinsemilla is much more potent than fertilized flowers because of their increased trichome production.
Male cannabis plants produce pollen sacks that blossom into flowers when they reach maturity. They are not as potent as female plants, but do contain cannabinoids. Pollen fertilizes the bud of a female plant and contains genetic material used to breed new strains of marijuana with specific traits over time. Pollinating a female plant creates seeds with genetic material from both the mother and father plant, leading to more genetic variation and a stronger cannabis species (clones of female plants are prone to genetic weakness over time).
A hermaphrodite is a plant that develops both female and male parts. This usually occurs when females have gone a long time without pollination or experience stress during growth.
Visual Components of Cannabis Plant
The cannabis plant is made up of several structural parts, many of which can be found on any ordinary flowering plant.
Trichomes are tiny glands on leaves and calyxes that produce cannabinoids and terpenes. They have a crystal-like appearance and hold the majority of resin. Trichomes and their resin are used to create a variety of concentrates and extracts.
Stigma & Pistil
Pistils contain the reproductive parts of the flower. Stigmas are the vibrant, hair-like strands of the pistil that collect pollen from males. They are only found on female plants and cap- ture pollen from male plants by curling or bending toward male plants. Pistils are a grower’s best tool for differentiating between a male and female plant.
The calyx is a tiny, teardrop-shaped cluster that makes up the bud itself. It contains sugar leaves and pistils and is where most of the trichomes are found.
A bract is a tear-shaped green leaf covered in resin glands. Bracts produce lots of concen- trated cannabinoids. They encapsulate the reproductive parts of the female and house seeds in a fertilized plant.
A cola is the flowering top of a female cannabis plant where the bud develops. Colas grow vertically toward the ends of major branches where the buds receive the most light. Healthy plants grow one main cola at the top of the cannabis plant, and form smaller colas around the rest of the plant. Dried cannabis flower is the cola.
Sugar Leaves
Sugar leaves are small leaves that grow during the flowering stage out of the cannabis buds. These leaves are usually covered in sparkly THC-filled trichomes that look like a dust- ing of sugar.
Fan Leaves
Fan leaves grow in pairs off of the main stem and branches. Fan leaves help to differentiate sativa versus indica plants: sativas have light green and slender leaves while indicas have dark green, wide leaves. Fan leaves soak up light and transport energy throughout the plant via the phloem.
Leaf nodes are where branching occurs off of the stem and where flowers grow. Nodes connect new stem branches that separate and take the form of a leaf, branch, or bud. Inter- node space is the distance between sets of branches; indicas have shorter internode
spacing than sativas.
The main stem of a cannabis plant emerges from the roots and allows the plant to grow vertically.
Cannabis Strains
A cannabis strain is a genetic variant of a cannabis plant. Most cannabis strains can be classified as either sativa or indica. Today, we also see many strains classified as hybrid due to the genetic combination of both indica and sativa strains in a singular plant.
Sativa – Sativa strains are thought to be more “uplifting” when consumed and result in a more cerebral effect. Sativas are said to be best utilized during daytime.
Hybrid – Hybrids are a combination of sativa and indica strains. Hybrids may lean more toward an indica or sativa classification, resulting in a sativa-dominant hybrid or an indica-dominant hybrid.
Indica – Indica strains, when consumed, result in more of a calming/whole-body effect. Indicas are said to be best utilized at nighttime.
Terpenes play a major role in determining the effects of a specific strain on the body and mind. The more we learn about the cannabis plant, the better we understand how terpene profiles are critically important to an individual’s cannabis experience.
Terpenes, much like cannabinoids, are secreted by the cannabis plant’s glands during the growing process. Terpenes can be found in any strong-smelling plant or flower, not just cannabis and contribute to the aroma, flavor/taste, and effect when the plant is consumed. Terpenes bind to the endocannabinoid system in the body and brain to produce unique and potentially beneficial effects.

In today’s cannabis world, there are many different forms of consumption methods. Popular canna- bis consumption methods include inhalation, vaporization, ingestion, and topical application. Each method produces a different experience, which affects:
- How quickly the effects of cannabis are felt.
- How long the effects of cannabis can last.
- What part of your body is affected the most.
Effects are typically felt immediately or within minutes and can last between 2-4 hours.

Flower is the “bud” produced by the medical cannabis plant and is broadly considered to be the most popular or common form of consumption.
- Very fragrant and flavorful
A vaporizer cartridge is a pre-filled or refillable cartridge that contains a concentrated form of medical cannabis oil. Vapes are known to be an easy and discrete way to inhale medical cannabis.
- Come in independent cartridge forms that require a separate “battery” or “device” to power the inhalation. The separate battery/device is designed to be reused
- Come in “disposable” forms that are designed for single use with a battery attached
- Available in various strains and potencies.

Concentrates refer to many different “refined” medical cannabis products such as resin, hash, shatter, etc.
- The most potent medical cannabis products. Due to high potency and intense effect, concentrates should be consumed by experienced medical cannabis patients
- Can be consumed using a variety of “ancillary” methods, including dabbing and vaporization
Edibles refer to any medical cannabis product that is consumed like food or beverages. Forms include capsules, pills, chocolate, fruit chews, and drinks.
- Come in a variety of strengths and flavors
- Effects may take up to 2 hours or longer to be felt
- Effects may last up to or longer than 8 hours

Topicals are applied directly to the skin and come in a variety of forms such as lotions, creams, salves and patches.
- Applied directly to the area of the desired effect
- Effects are long-lasting and may onset within 20 minutes of
Tinctures and Oral Ingestibles
Tinctures and oral ingestibles refer to products absorbed into the body sublingually/under the tongue. Tinctures can also be added to beverages as an alternative method of ingestion. Forms of oral ingestibles include sprays and dissolvable strips.
- Come in a variety of strengths and flavors
- Effects typically occur within 15-20 minutes
- Effects typically last several hours

Important Factors
There are many important factors that contribute to what your experience will be when consuming any form of medical cannabis. Always take into consideration:
The quantity you consume will directly contribute to how strong and how long effects last. START LOW. GO SLOW?

The method by which you consume a medical cannabis product will directly contribute to the onset and duration of its effects. DIFFERENT METHOD, DIFFERENT RESULTS!
A specific experience with one medical cannabis product does not guarantee that same experience with other products. Additionally, tolerance for one method of consumption does not translate to tolerance for all methods of consumption. YOU CAN ALWAYS TAKE MORE; YOU CAN’T TAKE LESS!

Different medical cannabis products commonly result in different experiences. Consider the time of day, your state of mind, and your physical environment when selecting a medical cannabis product. KNOW WHERE YOU ARE AND WHERE YOU MAY BE GOING!
Everyone’s body processes in an individualized way. What one person experiences can be radically different from what another experiences. ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL!

Your mind is powerful. How you are feeling can greatly impact your medical cannabis experience even if you regularly consume medical cannabis. HAPPY OR SAD, MAD OR GLAD!
Use caution if you already take other medications that cause sedation, dizziness, or drowsiness because adding this medication may intensify those effects. Use caution if you have a history of substance or alcohol abuse.
Using medical cannabis can impair your ability to concentrate. Do not drive or operate machinery, use when caring for children, or perform any activity that requires you to be alert.
Before you use medical cannabis, it’s important to talk to your physician about any medical conditions you have.
Side Effects And Signs/ Symptoms Of Substance Abuse
As with any medication, symptoms of tolerance, dependence, withdrawal and substance abuse should be monitored closely. If you feel that your medical cannabis usage is negatively affecting your daily life, relationships or job, please contact your physician.
In limited number of cases, medical cannabis can cause the following side effects:
- Changes in mood
- Lack of coordination
- Can diminish or impair an individual’s problem-solving skills and have trouble thinking.
- May distort an individual’s perception of time, typically slowing time down
- Long-term use can have an adverse effect on attention span.
- Increased appetite
- Difficulty concentrating
- Urinary retention
- Slurred speech
- Dizziness
- Headache
- Red eyes
- Dry mouth and throat
- Impaired judgement
- Slower reaction time
- Lethargy
Long-term use can have an effect on one’s verbal memory or ability to recall words.
Tell your physician if you experience any of these side effects.
If you have more serious side effects, stop using medical cannabis and call your recommending physician and/or the MMCP
Helpline- 1-833-4OH-MMCP (1-833-464-6627).
More serious side effects include:
Feelings of anxiety or paranoia
Hallucinations or worsening of existing psychiatric conditions
Increased heart rate
High or low blood pressure
Problems with memory and learning
Always tell your recommending physician about any drugs you’re taking.
This includes prescription drugs, over the counter drugs, alcohol, and dietary supplements that may interact with medical cannabis and cause problems.
Usage and Precautions
You should take precautions before using medical cannabis if you are on blood thinners, have hypotension, & have low blood sugar.
Do not use medical cannabis if you have any of the following conditions:
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) – no inhalation
- Hypersensitivity to cannabinoids
- Hypertension
- Impaired immune system (discuss with your physician)
- Ischemic heart disease.
Do not use medical cannabis if you are pregnant, may be pregnant, or are trying to conceive, and are breastfeeding.
Certain drugs are known to interact with medical cannabis, for instance:
Amphetamines may worsen high blood pressure, increase hear rate, and damage heart muscle.
Drugs that suppress the central nervous system, such as barbiturates, benzodiazepines, opioids, muscle relaxants, and antihistamines could interact with marijuana.
These are drugs used to treat seizures, pain, depression, colds, sleep issues, and anxiety. Using medical cannabis while taking these medications could intensify their effects on the central nervous system and cause increased sleepiness.
Adverse effects
Start on the lowest recommended dosage to gauge personal tolerance with any new medication protocol. You should contact us and your physician right about about any serious adverse effects related to your medication. You can either stop by the dispensary or call us to report and discuss the event.
System For Patients/ Caregivers To Document Symptoms
It’s important to learn and track your body’s response to medical cannabis. The basic principle for dosing medical cannabis is to start with a low dose and take it slowly until you feel the effect of the first dose. You won’t always feel the effects immediately. So starting low and going slow allows you to gauge and monitor how your body is responding to the medical cannabis until you reach your desired effects.
A log book or journal is a great way to understand and document how your body responds to medical cannabis. Use a template to track your treatment. If you carefully enter feedback consistently for each product you use, you will be able to evaluate what works best for your condition. This will help you effectively modify and optimize your treatment over time. Maintain this journal by tracking the use and effects of medical cannabis. Document a rating scale for the product used and how it treats your symptoms associated with the qualifying condition. Report usage and symptoms to the recommending physicians.
Journal this information- Starting state of mind. Cannabis intake. Keep track of the strain and brand, the consumption method you used medical cannabis effects. How intense were the effects? When did they start to taper off? What did you like or dislike about your experience? Food and water intake. Did you have a huge brunch? Pain, illness, or allergies. Sleep. How many hours of sleep are you getting? Are you sleeping straight through or waking frequently? Exercise. Record your physical activity, whether that means workouts or just the step counts on your fitness tracker. Hormone changes.
Ingesting medical cannabis will have a different effect than inhaling it because of how it metabolizes in the body. Due to this the onset and duration of ingestion is notably longer and stronger than inhalation. Recommendations for new users 2.5-10mg, intermediate users 10-25mg, frequent users 25-50mg.
Cannabinoid patch and method for medical cannabis transdermal delivery- A transdermal structure is provided for delivering cannabis chemical(s) to one’s bloodstream. The structure comprises a backing layer which carries the cannabis chemical(s). The chemicals are contained in a film on the backing layer or within a cavity formed in the backing layer. Alternatively, an opening in a secondary layer that overlies the backing layer may be used to create the cavity. The structure is applied to one’s skin so that the medical cannabis chemicals are in contact with the skin. A polymer material which is mixed with the medical cannabis and placed in the cavity or a membrane over the cavity may be used to control the flow of medical cannabis chemical(s) into the bloodstream. In an alternative embodiment, a porous material impregnated with medical cannabis chemical(s) may be used to hold the chemical(s) in the cavity. Because of the relatively slow transdermal flow rate of medical cannabis materials, it is preferred to utilize permeation enhancers in conjunction with the cannabis carrier or reservoir matrixes or skin contacting adhesive layers. THC patch is a thin piece of plastic coated with adhesive (like a Band-aid™) and infused with the cannabinoid THC. Because of the way they work, THC patches can offer all-day or all-night relief to those suffering from chronic issues like pain and anxiety. To get this relief, you simply apply the THC patch to a venous part of your body, like your ankle, your arm, or the inside of your wrist. Your body heat activates the patch and causes it to release a small amount of THC through your skin and into your bloodstream.
Rules and Regulations
Medical cannabis products must be stored in their original, unaltered packaging until administration.
It is important to store your medication in a location out of reach of children and out of sight. Product can be temperature sensitive and pressure sensitive.
Medical cannabis patients must have their patient ID cards on them at all times when in possession of medical cannabis products. Product cannot cross state lines.
Only registered medical cannabis patients and caregivers can possess medical cannabis, which is not to exceed a 90-day supply.
Patients and caregivers are strictly prohibited from reselling or attempting to resell medical cannabis. It is not permitted to be consumed on dispensary premises.
Medical cannabis combustion is a a complex process and should be left to trained professionals. When dealing with flammable gases or liquids in extract production there is a risk of fire and explosion dureing the extraction process. Only licensed Ohio Medical Marijuana Processors can legally process medical cannabis extract products.
Unwanted excess, expired or contaminated medical cannabis product should be disposed of by rendering the product non-recoverable and disposing of it.
To fulfill the Rule 3796:6-3-15 | Dispensary patient and caregiver educational materials the materials will need to include the following:
“Warning: This product may cause impairment and be habit-forming. Smoking medical cannabis is not permitted in the State of Ohio.”
”Warning: Smoking of medical cannabis is not permitted per Ohio law”
“There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product.”
“Should not be used by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.”
“For use only by the person named on the label of the dispensed product. Keep out of reach of children.”
“Medical cannabis can impair concentration, coordination, and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.”
“If you have a concern that an error may have occurred in the dispensing of your medical cannabis, you may contact the state of Ohio Board of Pharmacy, using the contact information found at” or by calling MMCP Helpline- 1-833-4OH-MMCP (1-833-464-6627).